
7 Important Things You Should Do Immediately After Installing WordPress

Are you done with installation of WordPress? Now what is your next step. You know there are many important things you should do after installing. The first thing is default setting. It is crucial for your WordPress site. To improve your performance and due to security factor, some changes are necessary.

7 Important Things You Should Do Immediately

In this blog, you will read about these important settings.

  • Change Permalink Structure:

    WordPress has a permalink structure by default. Before changing it, you should be sure that you want to change it. Because maybe it will have an impact on your SEO. Fortunately, you can change it with the use of simple tools. You need to do few things to change your permalink structure. You can set it in WordPress from setting menu.

  • Remove unwanted plugins and themes:

    Once you have installed WordPress, delete all unused themes and plugins. Just keep the required themes and plugins. If you delete unused plugins and themes, it increases the speed of your WordPress. To protect your WP from hackers, you should need to keep every thing up to date.

  • Update the timezone:

    After installing WP update the time and date just same as your mobile phone. Integrated apps, plugins and schedule posts are dependent on the time and date.

  • Install SEO WP plugin:

    Search engine optimization is vital for any website. WP offers the complete SEO solution to getting maximum results on your WordPress blog. You can install WordPress search engine optimization by Yoast.

  • Install Google analytic:

    Google analytic shows you how many visitors visit your website and how many visitors are responding to your website? You can say, it is the best way to knowing how your users interact with your site. You can track easily how long do audience stay on your site?

  • Delete default account name:

    After installing, WordPress creates default admin account name. To protect your WordPress account from hackers, you should change your account name and give it a strong password. You can select a password with combination of number, sign and alphabets.

  • Set your domain URL:

    Choose the domain name that is good for your SEO. To set the domain URL name click on setting than general setting. In this section you can set your own URL.

These are few important tips you should do immediately after installing the WordPress. All these mentioned above tips are vital for every beginner. Don’t wait for any more, make a call to Medialabz in Calgary to make smart WordPress site.

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